5 Potent Ways a Woman Awakens Her Goddess Glow

alignment divine feminine embodiment empower yourself female empowerment feminine arts finding you again goddess glow sacred feminine Jul 05, 2024

By Dee Rowe



The concept of the divine feminine is ancient, representing the sacred qualities of nurturing, intuition, empathy, and creativity. In today's fast-paced world, many of us have lost touch with these essential aspects of our being, leading to a sense of imbalance and disconnection from our true selves. Healing the divine feminine within is a transformative process that invites balance, wholeness, and empowerment into our lives. Here are five potent ways a woman awakens her Goddess Glow that you can use to empower the sacred feminine within you.



1. Live Authentically

Living life on your own terms is the cornerstone of embracing the divine feminine. It means shedding the expectations and performances you've been conditioned to play out for others and, instead, choosing paths that resonate with your deepest truths. This authentic living allows us to connect with our core values and express ourselves freely without the constraints of societal norms.



"You'll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in."

― Mandy Hale



2. Inner Reflection

Turning your focus inward is a powerful practice that helps you detach from external validation and meet your true self. Cultivating introspection can help you better understand your thoughts, feelings, and desires. This self-awareness is one of the most critical ways a woman awakens her Goddess Glow, as it allows us to nurture our inner world and strengthen our emotional resilience.



"Your soul needs time for solitude and self-reflection. In order to love, lead, heal, and create, you must nourish yourself first."

-Louise Hay



3. Energy Management

Our energy is our most precious resource, and wisely managing it is essential for maintaining our health and vitality. Grounding into your body through practices like yoga, meditation, or simply spending time in nature can help you stay present and centered. Settling into your heart means allowing yourself to feel deeply and honor your emotional experiences. Staying rooted in the present moment teaches you to embrace life as it unfolds, with all its challenges and gifts. Saying no to anything that isn't essential or aligned with your needs is another vital way to manage your energy. 



"The only absolute duty we have is to manage our energy, as our vibrancy, stamina and emotions dictate how we work, love, move, worship, relate and lead."

— Brendon Burchard



4. Receptivity

The divine feminine is inherently receptive. She is open to receiving love, abundance, and opportunities. Cultivating a receptive mindset is another potent way a woman awakens her Goddess Glow. When you are receptive, you align yourself with the flow of the universe and become a magnet for the people, places, and opportunities meant for you. This openness is not passive; it's an active engagement with the world in a harmonious and inviting way. I wrote a blog post about cultivating receptivity a while back, which you can read here.



"Look for your brushes with the divine. Be receptive to them. When heaven knocks, open the door. Value these visits. Remember them. Expect more of them."

-Victoria Moran



5. Authentic Expression

One of the most profound ways a woman awakens her Goddess Glow and steps into her divine feminine is to stop hiding or altering parts of herself to fit in. The sacred feminine thrives on authenticity and the courage to show up as we truly are. When we allow our true selves to shine, we honor our individuality and inspire others to do the same. In this way, one woman authentically expressing herself helps free all women from conforming to society's constraints.



"Don't adjust your self-expression to find an audience.

You will regret it.

It's only fun if you are accepted as you are.

And you will [be], one day."

-Yoko Ono



Use These Tips to Find Your Goddess Glow

Healing yourself and awakening the divine feminine within is a deeply personal and rewarding journey. It's about reconnecting with the parts of ourselves that society has taught us to suppress or ignore. It's about finding strength in vulnerability, wisdom in intuition, and joy in creativity. As we heal and embrace the divine feminine, we develop our inner Goddess Glow and help shift society to a more balanced and compassionate world where every individual is encouraged to flourish uniquely.



Remember, this journey is not about perfection but progress and growth. Be gentle with yourself, honor your pace, and celebrate each step you take toward healing and empowerment. The divine feminine is not a destination; it's a way of being that enriches every aspect of our lives. Embrace it, nurture it, and watch as your world transforms.



The Goddess in me sees and honors the Goddess in you,



Dee Rowe is a Certified Reiki Practitioner and Women's Circle Facilitator based in Santa Clarita, CA. She leads Reiki-infused Circles in the general Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, and San Diego areas. To get information on upcoming Circles and more, use the form below. 

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