Reconnecting with Your Intuition: Your Direct Line to the Divine

beginner's guide divine feminine empower yourself every day magic fear vs. purpose feminine arts how-to guide intuitive living trust your intuition Apr 12, 2024
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Reconnecting With Your Intuition: Your Direct Line to the Divine



Have you ever had a gut feeling that turned out to be right? That's your intuition speaking, your direct line 🀳to divine source. Today, we're discussing the value of reconnecting with your intuition and how tapping into your inner wisdom can lead you to make profound decisions in your life. We will delve into the critical components of understanding your intuition, listening to your inner voice, interpreting and acting on intuitive insights, and empowering yourself to trust your intuition. By embracing your inherent wisdom, you can access a deep well of knowledge and guidance to help you better navigate the stormy seas of life. 



How Did We Become Disconnected?



Once upon a time, we were a culture with a solid connection to the rhythms of nature and our own inherent wisdom. Over time, however, these profound connections were lost. Here is some insight into what may have happened to cause Western society to shift away from trusting ourselves and instead relying on others to tell us what to do:





  • The Burning Times: This disconnection and fear of listening to our own intuition deepened with the simultaneous rise of Western medicine and religious persecution that resulted in "the burning times," a period when anyone who acted out of line in even the tiniest way could be accused of consorting with the devil via witchcraft and burned at the stake, hung, or drowned. This practice was so commonplace that essentially all people with European ancestors, including those who were early settlers of the American colonies, are related to someone who lived through this terrifying time. Our ancestors learned to suppress all forms of connection to the divine feminine, such as sensuality and intuition, to survive. This is the root of the 'Witch Wound' still reverberating through society hundreds of years later. 



  • Genetic Inheritance of Fear: While the idea of genetically inheriting fear is complex, studies suggest that specific genetic variations contribute to anxiety disorders, which could affect an individual's ability to trust their intuition. Research indicates that particular polymorphisms in genes related to serotonin transport and dopamine breakdown can influence how fear is learned and overcome. This could imply that there is a biological basis for the difficulty in trusting one's intuition. So, if listening to the still, small voice within is challenging for you to do, you are not alone. In fact, you are in the company of the majority of Western society.  



Understanding and Reconnecting with Your Intuition



Understanding your intuition involves recognizing the subtle signals and feelings that arise within you, guiding you towards the right path. These subtle signals and feelings are often exhibited as bodily sensations, such as a racing heartbeat or feeling like someone poured concrete into your stomach. They can also show up as a deep knowing for which you have no logical explanation. In some cases, your intuition takes the form of extreme mental or emotional resistance to a seemingly innocuous task. And for some, intuition is recognized as a quiet voice that comes from deep within and whispers what to do. 



Listening to your inner voice allows you to tune into your deepest desires and fears, providing valuable insights to inform your decisions and actions. But learning to tune in can be challenging, so let's explore how you can do that if you're disconnected. 



Listening to Your Inner Voice



Listening to your inner voice is like tuning into a radio station playing the soundtrack of your life. It's the quiet whisper that tells you when something feels right or wrong, the gentle nudge in a specific direction. Paying attention to this inner voice can help you navigate challenges, make decisions, and live a more authentic life. By honing this skill, you can begin to uncover the wisdom and guidance that has been within you all along. Reconnecting with your intuition and listening to your inner voice can deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you.



How to Start Listening:



  • Slow down and create quiet moments in your day to allow your intuition to speak.
  • Pay attention to how your body reacts in different situations; physical sensations can be powerful intuitive signals.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to clear your mind and enhance your ability to hear your inner voice.
  • Keep a journal to record your thoughts and feelings; reviewing it can reveal your intuitive insights over time.
  • Trust the first thing that comes to your mind before overthinking it. Doing so is one of the most effective ways to differentiate between the voice of intuition and fear.
  • Reflect on past experiences where you followed your intuition and its outcomes, reinforcing trust in your inner guidance.
  • Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage you to trust your own wisdom. One way to find your circle of encouragers is to join a women's circle. These spaces provide a safe place for women to lean into intuition together without the fear of persecution for trusting the divine guidance available to us all. 
  • Engage in activities that foster intuition, such as spending time in nature, practicing yoga, or engaging in creative endeavors.



Interpreting and Acting on Intuitive Insights



As you start to interpret and act on your intuitive insights, it's important to trust yourself and the guidance you receive. This may involve stepping out of your comfort zone, making decisions against the norm, or simply following your gut instinct. By embracing your intuition and taking action based on its cues, you empower yourself to live a more authentic and fulfilling life. Trusting your intuition is a powerful tool, leading you to greater clarity, purpose, and happiness.



One area where many get stuck is telling the difference between fear and intuition. Their whispers can sound similar. So, how can you know which one is talking? Here are some tips:



  • Intuition often feels like a pulling energy guiding you toward an action or decision that aligns with your best interests.
  • Fear typically feels like a pushing energy, urging you to avoid adverse outcomes or dangers. While intuition can also help you avoid risk, it usually pulls you toward safety instead of pushing you away. The more you practice listening, the better you become at differentiating. 
  • Intuition is usually accompanied by a sense of calm and certainty, even if the direction it's taking you is unclear.
  • Fear is often associated with anxiety, discomfort, or a sense of dread about potential negative scenarios.
  • Intuition can manifest as a spontaneous and clear insight, seemingly from nowhere.
  • Fear may result in persistent worry or obsessive thoughts about specific outcomes or dangers.
  • Trusting intuition can lead to satisfaction and happiness, especially in significant life decisions.
  • Allowing fear to guide your decisions often results in restrictive choices based on avoiding negative consequences rather than pursuing positive outcomes.



Empowering Yourself in Reconnecting with Your Intuition



As you continue to strengthen your connection with your intuition, you empower yourself to trust in the wisdom that resides within you. This trust is a powerful force that can guide you to make decisions that align with your desires and values. It may not always be easy to follow your intuition, especially when faced with uncertainty or doubt. Still, by embracing and honoring the guidance you receive, you are validating the inherent wisdom that has always been a part of you.



Trusting your intuition is not just about making decisions; it's about acknowledging and respecting the inner voice that speaks to you in moments of clarity and insight. By cultivating this trust, you are opening yourself up to a world of possibilities and opportunities that may have previously been hidden. You also begin to heal the wounds that Western society inherited from generations past. Embrace the journey of reconnecting with your intuition and allow yourself to be led by the innate wisdom that has always been within you. Trust in yourself, trust in your intuition, and trust in the path that is unfolding before you.



Reconnecting with your intuition is not about tapping into some mysterious force; it's about embracing the wisdom already within you. By understanding, listening to, interpreting, and ultimately trusting your intuition, you open the door to making decisions that align with your soul. Trust in yourself and your inner guidance. It's time to start living authentically and confidently by following your intuition. 



As poet Rumi once said, "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray." Start listening to your intuition today and let it guide you to a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.





Calling all Women in or near Santa Clarita, CA:



Mark your calendar to save the date for an intimate Reiki-infused Women's Circle on Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 1-3 p.m. at My Yoga Canyon Country, where you will have an opportunity to love on your inner child in a safe space with other women. ⁣





My Yoga Canyon Country is a cozy studio, so space is limited. If you want to secure your spot now to ensure you don't miss out, click here to register now. ⁣


I am absolutely thrilled to be bringing this unique experience to Michelina's space and the women of SCV. It's going to be a truly special event. πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ’–

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