Healing From Within: The Power of Inner Child Work

empower yourself finding you again healing journey healing old hurts how-to guide inner child inner work self-care May 10, 2024
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Have you ever felt like a part of you still carries the pain and wounds from your past? Do you also feel like that old pain is holding you back today? That part of you is your inner child - the innocent, vulnerable, and impressionable version of yourself that experienced life's ups and downs. This article explores the profound impact of inner child work and how it can lead to emotional healing and personal transformation. 



"After a while the middle-aged person who lives in her head begins to talk to her soul, the kid."

― Anne Lamott



We will discuss how understanding your inner child, healing past traumas, and nurturing that vulnerable part of yourself can unlock a path to profound emotional healing and personal growth. So, take a journey with us as we uncover the power of doing inner child work and the healing that comes from within.



Understanding Your Inner Child



Your inner child is another word for the subconscious programming you developed from birth to about seven years old. These conditioned responses control how we process information and react to events. They dictate how we see ourselves, the world, and our role. 



Take a few moments to go back and recall as much of your early childhood as possible. What minor or significant traumatic events occurred that made you believe certain people, things, places, or situations were unsafe? What kind of programming did your inexperienced mind create to keep you safe? As you begin to understand your inner child, you may recognize how past traumas have shaped your beliefs, behaviors, and emotions today.



"The child is in me still and sometimes not so still."

― Fred Rogers



As you can see, your inner child had good intentions when they established protective beliefs such as, "It's best to fit in and not be noticed," or, "I have to do what other people want so they will like me and not reject me." However, these beliefs might serve you poorly in your adult life. Not being noticed makes it hard to be promoted or make an impact. Being a people-pleaser makes you feel depressed and miserable and hate your life. It doesn't actually make people like you more. Inner child work is the key to recognizing and reframing these core beliefs into ones that serve your grown-up self. 



Healing Past Traumas



As you delve deeper into healing your inner child, you must also address and heal past traumas that may still be lingering within. These traumas can manifest in various ways, such as fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and even physical symptoms like recurring neck and shoulder pain, racing heartbeat, stomachaches, and difficulty reaching sexual climax. By acknowledging and working through these past experiences, you can release their hold on you and create space for healing and growth.



But how?



  1. One way to start healing past traumas is through therapy or counseling, where you can explore the root causes of your pain and learn healthy coping mechanisms. I prefer somatic experiencing therapy to traditional talk therapy. It combines talking it out with practices that help you locate where your body is storing trauma so it can be released.  
  2. EFT Tapping is a technique developed by psychologists to help patients with PTSD, and tapping has been shown to help regulate the nervous system while reframing limiting beliefs and self-talk into more empowering ones. 
  3. Journaling and self-reflection can also be powerful tools in processing and releasing old wounds. 
  4. Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness can help you stay present and connected to your inner self as you navigate your healing journey.
  5. Women's Circles, especially those infused with the love, compassion, and support of Reiki energy like the ones I lead, can be another excellent container for inner child work. If you've never attended a women's circle before, this article tells you everything you need to know before your first Circle. 
  6. Lastly, don't underestimate the support of a coach when working with the subconscious programming your inner child put in place decades ago. If you didn't already know, I coach women like you through inner child and inner teen work (more on that another day) so you can awaken and connect with your empowered, divine feminine self. Click here to schedule a quick chat to see if my coaching style suits you. 



"She held herself until the sobs of the child inside subsided entirely. I love you, she told herself. It will all be okay."

― H Raven Rose



Addressing and healing your past traumas can create a solid foundation for nurturing your inner child and cultivating a sense of safety, trust, and self-love. As you begin your own inner child work, remember to be gentle and patient with yourself, honoring your courage for doing the work so many avoid. It won't be long before you respond to a trigger differently than before and see the results of your efforts.



Nurturing Yourself is Part of Inner Child Work



Nurturing your inner child is a crucial step in the healing process. It involves showing compassion, understanding, and love to the parts of yourself that may have been hurt or neglected.



This can mean: 

  • visualizing meeting up with your inner child and showing them some love, 
  • setting boundaries with people who trigger old wounds, 
  • practicing self-care and self-compassion, 
  • and engaging in activities that bring you joy and peace.





Taking the time to listen to your inner child's needs and desires and honoring them with care and attention can help you build a stronger connection with yourself. As you continue to engage in inner child work, you may find that old patterns of fear, shame, and self-doubt begin to loosen their grip on you. This newfound sense of self-compassion and self-acceptance can pave the way for profound healing and transformation. 



"Listen to the feelings deep down inside. Ask, 'Why are you here?' and wait for their reply. Anxiety will share what you need to know, helping you understand, so you can let it go."

― Lyra Brave



Remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. Be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate through the ups and downs of the healing process. Trust that with time, effort, and a little self-love, you can cultivate a sense of safety, trust, and wholeness within yourself. By nurturing your inner child, you take a massive step toward reclaiming your sense of self-worth and embracing the fullness of who you are.



Inner child work is the key to profound emotional healing and personal transformation. Nurturing this vulnerable part of yourself, releasing past traumas, and practicing self-love and compassion can lead to a newfound sense of inner peace and wholeness. Take the first steps toward healing from within today and watch as your inner child blossoms into a source of strength and resilience. 



In closing, I share with you a poem called 'Shadow':



"Never lose your essence,

the child-like presence,

For there's much strength

soaring within!



― Preethi Saravanakumar






Dee Rowe is a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Women's Circle Facilitator, and Divine Feminine Awakening Coach. To learn more, click here

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