The Ultimate Guide to Embracing Receptivity

abundance alignment divine feminine empower yourself every day magic feminine arts how to guide how-to guide inner work manifesting receptivity step into your power Jan 05, 2024
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Have you ever felt awkward or guilty when someone gave you a gift or a compliment? Do you struggle to accept help or support from others? If so, you might need help embracing receptivity. Lucky for you, this blog post is the ultimate guide to receiving the abundance that you've been searching for. 



What Does Embracing Receptivity Even Mean?



Receptivity is the ability to receive and welcome what life offers us, whether material, emotional, or spiritual. It's a state of openness, gratitude, and trust that allows us to experience abundance and joy.



But many of us have been conditioned to believe that embracing receptivity is selfish, weak, or undeserving. We might think that we have to earn everything we get or that we have to give more than we receive. We might fear being receptive will make us vulnerable, dependent, or indebted.



This is the case for my husband, who I noticed is visibly uncomfortable receiving gifts (and sometimes even compliments) from others. He often rejects or tries to avoid receiving gifts, even on birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas. When pressed, he will admit that he would rather deny someone the happiness that giving provides than receive a gift. What???



I suspected this affected his happiness and relationships and wondered how I could help him overcome this block. How could I show him how receiving benefits him? That's when I decided to write this blog post about embracing receptivity.



In this post, I will share some of the benefits of being receptive, common barriers to receptivity, and practices that can help you cultivate this energy. By the end of this post, I hope you will feel more confident and comfortable with receiving and enjoying what the universe has to offer you.



The Benefits of Embracing Receptivity



I am starting this ultimate guide with the benefits, so you know why this practice is something you need to embrace. After all, if you don't understand what you get out of receiving, you'll likely continue being uncomfortable with it for the rest of your days. And I don't want that for you! 



So, let's dive into what you get out of letting others give:



  • You feel more connected to yourself and others. When you are receptive, you allow yourself to be seen and heard by others and pay attention to their needs and feelings. You create deeper and more meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and appreciation. 



  • You attract more abundance and opportunities. When receptive, you acknowledge and celebrate what you already have and open yourself to new possibilities and experiences. You align yourself with the flow of life and the law of attraction. In my husband's case, he'd be a lot more likely to win the lottery he's always playing if he was comfortable with the energy of receiving. 



  • You enhance your well-being and happiness. When you embrace receptivity, you accept and enjoy what life gives you without guilt or resistance. You express gratitude for the gifts and lessons that come your way. You experience more joy and satisfaction in every moment, whether "good" or "bad."





Sounds nice. So why don't more people embrace receptivity? You'll find out in the next section.



Common Barriers to Receiving



Some of the common barriers to embracing receptivity are:



  • Negative beliefs about yourself or others. You might think that you are not worthy or deserving of receiving or that others have ulterior motives or expectations when they give you something. You might doubt your own value or the sincerity of others. For most people, this is what makes receiving feel so uncomfortable.



  • Fear of losing control or independence. To some, being receptive means being passive or dependent on others. You might worry that you will owe them something in return or lose your autonomy if you accept something from someone.



  • Lack of awareness or attention. You might be too busy or distracted to notice or appreciate what life offers you. You might take things for granted or miss out on opportunities. You might not recognize or express your own needs or desires.



Okay, so embracing receptivity has benefits, and you understand the common barriers that keep people resisting rather than receiving. Now, how do you learn how to embrace rather than resist? Keep reading to find out.



The Art of Cultivating Receptivity





Some of the practices that can help you cultivate receptivity are:



  • Affirmations. Positive statements can reprogram your subconscious mind and change your beliefs about yourself and others. For example, you can say: "I am worthy and deserving of receiving," "I trust that the universe has my best interest at heart," or "I welcome all the good things that come my way." You can also click on the highlighted word "affirmations" for ten more mantra statements. 



  • Meditation. You can use mindfulness techniques to calm your mind and body and become more present and aware of your surroundings. For example, you can practice breathing exercises, body scans, or gratitude meditations to tune into your sensations, emotions, and thoughts. Click on the highlighted text to learn more about the mind-altering magic of meditation. 



  • Rituals. You can use symbolic actions to create a space and a mood for receptivity. When I host sisterhood circles and women's retreats, I include many yummy rituals to help you get comfortable with receiving. Practices like eye gazing, hand-holding, and taking turns using our intuition to receive and speak messages from spirit to one another create powerful experiences, even if embracing receiving has been challenging. If you're interested in attending one of my events, click here and take the super short survey to be added to the list to receive email updates when new events are announced. You can also click on the highlighted word "Rituals" to learn more about the ancient practice of women sitting together in circle. 


  • Practice. As with any skill, mastering the art of receiving takes practice. Make a conscious effort to open yourself up to compliments, gifts, and opportunities without minimizing, deflecting, or feeling obligated to reciprocate. You will receive these things and more with ease and grace in time.



Remember, embracing receptivity is a practice. Like any practice, it takes time and patience to master. But with consistent effort and a willingness to let go of limiting beliefs and fears, you can open yourself up to the abundant and fulfilling life waiting for you. 



As Brené Brown says, "Until we can receive with an open heart, we're never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgment to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgment to giving help." 



So, are you ready to start embracing receptivity and experiencing the joy and abundance that comes with it? Take a deep breath, release any resistance, and open yourself up to receive all the blessings that await you. The universe is waiting to give; you only have to say yes. 



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