Be the Change: Shifting Society with the Millionth Circle Movement

be the change divine feminine female empowerment goddess glow how-to guide moon circles rituals sacred circles social justice women empowering women women's circles Jun 28, 2024
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By Dee Rowe



The "Millionth Circle" book by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., is a profound exploration of the transformative power of women's circles. It delves into their potential to bring about societal and psychospiritual change. The book is firmly rooted in the idea that when women gather in circles with a sacred center, they create a space of equality and shared purpose. This environment fosters open discussions, mutual support, and nurturing communal growth and healing.



The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon



The Hundredth Monkey phenomenon is a compelling story that has captured the imagination of many since it was first introduced. The concept was popularized by Lyall Watson in his 1979 book "Lifetide," where he presented an account of behavioral change among Japanese macaques on the island of Kojima.



According to Watson, the researchers observed that some monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes, a behavior initiated by an 18-month-old female named Imo. This new habit gradually spread through the troop, and by 1958, a critical number of monkeys had adopted the behavior. Watson suggested that once this critical mass—the 'hundredth monkey'—was reached, the behavior spontaneously and inexplicably spread to other groups of monkeys on nearby islands.



The original research, conducted between 1952 and 1953 by Japanese primatologists, did not mention the 'hundredth monkey' effect. Instead, it documented the spread of potato-washing behavior among the Kojima troop. Watson's interpretation added the element of a sudden, collective leap in consciousness once a certain number was reached, implying a kind of shared awareness or telepathic connection that transcended physical distance.



This idea has been both intriguing and controversial. Critics have pointed out that the phenomenon has been discredited. Many authors who discuss the concept rely on secondary or tertiary sources that have misrepresented the original observations. Despite this, the story of the Hundredth Monkey remains a famous metaphor for the potential of collective thought and the power of a critical mass to bring about widespread change.



Whether factual or anecdotal, the 'Hundredth Monkey' phenomenon is a potent symbol for social movements and the spread of ideas. It suggests that when enough individuals adopt a new behavior or awareness, it can lead to a tipping point that facilitates a broader societal shift. This aligns with the 'Millionth Circle' message, which posits that women's circles can reach a critical number and catalyze global transformation.



Bolen's concept was indeed inspired by the "Hundredth Monkey" phenomenon. The "Millionth Circle" refers to the point at which the critical number of circles would significantly transform the global paradigm, particularly in moving beyond patriarchal structures.



But what would a world without patriarchy or matriarchy look like?



The Millionth Circle Movement: Envisioning a Society of Equality Beyond Patriarchy



The concept of a society that transcends the traditional structures of patriarchy and matriarchy to achieve true equality is a thought-provoking vision of the future. Such a society would be absent of systemic power imbalances between genders, where neither dictates the norms and values of the community.



In an ideal society, the oppressive systems that have historically favored one gender over another would be dismantled. This would mean equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, in education, employment, and political representation. The eradication of gender-based violence and discrimination would help ensure that everyone can live safely and with dignity.



This societal shift would also mean no gender is revered or given undue power over others based on lineage. Instead, the focus would be on individual merit and capabilities rather than predetermined roles or expectations.



The foundation of this egalitarian society would be principles of fairness, mutual respect, and collaboration. Decision-making processes would involve the voices and perspectives of all community members, leading to more inclusive and representative outcomes. Power would be distributed equitably, resources would be shared to ensure everyone's needs are met, and no one is marginalized or left behind.



Such a society would likely emphasize the importance of empathy, nurturing relationships, and a collective well-being that extends beyond the individual. The values of care, compassion, and mutual aid would be central to the social fabric, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among its members.



In terms of governance, a society without patriarchy or matriarchy would prioritize consensus-building and participatory democracy. Policies and laws would be created with the input and agreement of all rather than imposed by a dominant group or individual. This approach would encourage a more harmonious and cooperative social order, focusing on the common good rather than personal gain.



The cultural landscape of such a society would be rich and diverse, celebrating each person's unique contributions while recognizing the interconnectedness of all. Art, literature, and media would reflect a wide range of experiences and narratives, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of the human condition.



A society without patriarchy or matriarchy but with true equality would be a place where every individual is valued and empowered to reach their full potential. It would be a society that thrives on equity, justice, and mutual respect, creating a sustainable and peaceful environment for all its members.



While this vision may be idealistic, it is a goal worth striving for, as it represents the essence of what it means to be a just and humane society.



How the Millionth Circle Movement Inspires Me



The book's message resonates deeply with me and those like me who seek empowerment and connection through shared experiences and collective wisdom. It's a call to harness our intuitive powers and be agents of positive change. The circles we lead and attend are not just a means of personal growth but are envisioned as catalysts for broader societal transformation, inspiring us to take action and make a difference.



The "Millionth Circle" concept is deeply aligned with the principles of Reiki-infused Circle Facilitation. Reiki, a form of energy healing, emphasizes balance and holistic well-being. When integrated into the circle facilitation process, it enhances the experience, creating a more profound sense of safety, connection, and empowerment. The combination of the circle's communal energy and the healing properties of Reiki can be a powerful force for personal and collective transformation.



As someone who feels 'lit up' by participating in women's circles, becoming a Reiki-infused Circle Facilitator was a natural progression. Reiki embodies letting divine guidance lead and deepen the impact of these gatherings. It also adds an additional layer of healing and spiritual dimension, creating a space where each participant can feel connected, at peace, and empowered.



My role as a Reiki-infused Circle Facilitator reflects a commitment to self-discovery, healing, and the empowerment of other women who feel as stuck as I used to. It's about embracing the principles laid out in the "Millionth Circle" and applying them in a way that resonates with my inner goddess. It's combining ancient practices and wisdom with the vision of a more equitable and interconnected world.



Contributing to the "Millionth Circle" Cause



In essence, the Millionth Circle Movement and the role of a Reiki-infused Circle Facilitator are about recognizing the inherent power within and around us. Circles are about creating spaces where this power can flourish, leading to profound personal growth and the potential for societal transformation. It's a testament to the belief that when women come together with intention and heart, there is no limit to the change we can inspire.



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The Goddess in me sees and honors the Goddess in you ❀️





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