10 Affirmations to Empower Your Inner Goddess as a Single Mom

advice for single moms divine feminine empower yourself goddess glow mindset coaching pamper yourself self-care self-worth setting boundaries step into your power Nov 02, 2023
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Being a single mom can be challenging, but it can also be empowering. If you've stumbled across this blog page, you are likely one of the single moms who is not only raising your children but also nurturing your soul. You are a woman, which means you are a divine goddess, and you deserve to feel that way. So, with that in mind, I'll be sharing 10 affirmations for you to awaken your inner divine goddess-self.



But first, let's explore what the divine feminine is and why awakening it empowers you to walk your highest path and live a fulfilling life rich in love, experience, and treasured memories. 



What is the Divine Feminine, and Why Do I Need to Tap Into It?



Let's start by understanding what it means when someone says "divine feminine."



The divine feminine is the spiritual recognition of the feminine energy known to exist within all of us, regardless of gender. It is an active, creative force of unconditional love and connection that can create a pathway of healing and transformation. By awakening this powerful force within us, we can discover our authentic inner voice, trust our inner knowing, and be guided to our highest potential.



This is connected to the ancient mystery teachings, which recognize the feminine energy as the 'grounding force' behind the power of manifestation. To tap into this powerful energy, we must first acknowledge its presence within us and honor it. Being conscious and grateful for our own divine feminine energy encourages us to live an awakened life that is connected to our higher self and the world around us.



What are the benefits of awakening my inner divine feminine self?



An awakened divine feminine connection can bring an expansive sense of self-awareness, better intuition, improved relationships, and a greater understanding of another's energy. This can be helpful when determining whether someone new in your life is a help or a hindrance. Furthermore, it can stimulate inner growth, physical healing, spiritual balance, and an overall connection with the world, allowing you to make more meaningful and authentic choices in your life. All of this leads to a happier you, despite the challenges of single mom life.



How does embracing my divine feminine make me a better solo (or co) parent to my children?



Being in tune with the divine feminine can provide an energy of love and connection that can make the mother/child relationship much deeper. It can help foster a deeper emotional bond and bring a greater sense of understanding and trust. This connection will also make your children feel safe, secure, and appreciated for their uniqueness, allowing them to learn how to be themselves instead of making themselves small to conform to societal guidelines as you and I were taught to do. When this happens, it can bring children clarity and direction within themselves, allowing them to get the most out of their lives and become better and more mature versions of themselves.



To play off a popular saying, "happy mom, happy children, happy life."



Embracing your inner divine feminine goddess self fosters authentic joy, not toxic positivity. This benefits everyone in your household and your community. 





How Do I Use the 10 Affirmations to Awaken My Inner Goddess?



Here's how to use these affirmations for the best effect:



  1. The first step is to draw awareness to the divine feminine energy within you and recognize it in your day-to-day life.
  2. Next, think of the affirmations as spiritual nourishment. Act as if they hold the power to transform you from within.
  3. Find a comfortable place to sit and read each affirmation aloud, with intention and conviction. Feel the energy in your body as you recite the words. Reflect on how they move you. Repeat each affirmation several times daily for at least thirty days so the mantra can form a new neural pathway in your brain.
  4. During and after your recitations, connect with the divine feminine energy within. Feel your spiritual heart ignite as the divine feminine energy rises up from within and radiates outward. Allow her to soothe and nurture you. Let her awaken and guide you to be the loving, powerful goddess that you are. Listen to the whispers she places on your heart and put them into action. 



And now... the Moment You've Been Waiting For...



Here Are 10 Affirmations to Empower Your Inner Goddess as a Single Mom



1. I am adaptable and capable. I can handle anything that comes my way.


2. I am beautiful and radiant. I shine my light on myself and others.


3. I am loving and compassionate. I give and receive love freely.


4. I am creative and resourceful. I find joy and meaning in everything I do.


5. I am abundant and prosperous. I attract wealth and opportunities in all areas of my life.


6. I am grateful and content. I appreciate all the blessings in my life.


7. I am confident and courageous. I trust myself and my intuition.


8. I am healthy and vibrant. I take care of my body, mind, and spirit.


9. I am peaceful and calm. I release stress and negativity with ease.


10. I am joyful and playful. I have fun and laugh often.



More Ways to Awaken Your Goddess Within



In addition to these 10 affirmations, here are some more ways that you, as a single mom, can awaken your goddess within:





I would love to hear back from you in thirty days after you've put these affirmations to the test. So, email me by clicking here, and let me know what your experience connecting to your inner goddess was like.



And, if you haven't already, I'd love for you to click here and join my blog email list! You'll get a once-a-week email full of helpful tips, actionable advice, giveaways, exclusive contests, and more. 




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