Unleashing the Power of Sisterhood: Why You Should Shop Small, Female-Owned Businesses this Holiday Season

brands i love female empowerment gift guide holidays sisterhood women empowering women women supporting women Dec 01, 2023
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Imagine if each gift under the tree was a unique, passionate creation of a female creator - every dollar spent supporting the dreams and aspirations of small, female-owned businesses.



This holiday season, we can unleash the force of sisterhood by choosing gifts from these businesses over the impersonal aisles of big box stores and online giants. In doing so, we promote gender equality, foster economic growth for women, give more meaningful gifts, and build stronger communities. Join the movement and make a positive impact with your holiday shopping. It's time to discover the empowering benefits of supporting small, female-owned businesses.



How Shopping Small, Female-Owned Businesses Promotes Gender Equality

Supporting small, female-owned businesses allows us to discover unique and purposeful gifts and serves as a powerful act of promoting gender equality. By consciously spending our holiday shopping budget on these businesses, we create a more balanced and equitable economic landscape for women. The nine-to-five corporate life was not designed for mothers and menstruating women. Supporting small businesses owned by other women affords economic opportunity outside of that environment. This allows mothers to care for their children and women to honor the natural ebb and flow of energy while earning an income.



Instead of helping an already wealthy CEO buy another vacation home, you're helping a woman keep a roof overhead and food on the table.



This collective action of supporting small, female-owned businesses can also inspire other women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. When women see other women succeeding in business, it breaks down societal barriers and encourages them to believe in their own abilities. By supporting female entrepreneurs, we create a ripple effect extending far beyond the holiday season.



Fostering Economic Growth for Women by Shopping Small, Female-Owned Businesses

In addition to promoting gender equality, supporting small, female-owned businesses also plays a significant role in fostering economic growth for women. When we invest in these businesses during the holiday season, we are empowering female entrepreneurs and contributing to women's overall economic advancement.



One of the key pillars of economic growth is entrepreneurship. By explicitly highlighting and supporting women's small businesses, we help create a more inclusive and diverse economy. This means more opportunities for women to thrive, build wealth, and make a lasting impact in their communities. That's pretty rad, right?



When women-owned businesses succeed, they create jobs for themselves and others within their community. By supporting these businesses, we indirectly support job creation and economic stability. Small businesses are often the backbone of local economies, and when we choose to invest in female-owned enterprises, we are fueling economic growth on a broader scale.



Furthermore, supporting small, female-owned businesses can increase women entrepreneurs' access to resources and capital. Historically, women have faced obstacles when securing funding and resources for their businesses. However, consciously spending our holiday shopping budget on these businesses sends a powerful message to investors and financial institutions that women-owned businesses deserve support and recognition.



Give Unique and Meaningful Gifts

Supporting small, female-owned businesses empowers women entrepreneurs and opens up a world of unique and meaningful gift options for our loved ones. When we choose to shop from these businesses, we are not just purchasing products but investing in the passion, creativity, and stories behind each item. By doing so, we can create gifts that hold special significance and contribute to building stronger communities.



When we support small, female-owned businesses, we are often presented with one-of-a-kind products that cannot be found in mainstream stores. These businesses usually specialize in niche markets, allowing them to offer distinctive and personalized items that reflect the interests and values of both the creator and the recipient. Whether it's a hilarious hoodie, exceptional minimalist skincare products, or ethically sourced cotton blankets, shopping from these businesses allows us to find gifts that truly stand out and resonate with our loved ones on a deeper level.



Not only do these businesses offer unique products, but they also bring a sense of authenticity and craftsmanship to the table. In a world where mass-produced items dominate the market, supporting small, female-owned businesses allows us to prioritize quality over quantity. Each gift becomes a testament to the dedication and expertise of the women behind these businesses. By choosing to support them, we acquire meaningful gifts and contribute to preserving traditional techniques and artisanal skills that might otherwise be lost in a sea of mass production.




Building Stronger Communities

Furthermore, when we purchase gifts from small, female-owned businesses, we become part of a community of like-minded individuals who value creativity, individuality, and supporting local economies. These businesses are often deeply rooted in their communities, actively participating in events and initiatives that foster connection and collaboration. By investing in the products they offer, we are simultaneously investing in the growth and vibrancy of our neighborhoods. Each gift becomes a symbol of community, helping to build stronger bonds and foster a sense of belonging among those who receive them.



Small, female-owned businesses create a ripple effect within their communities. Beyond simply providing products or services, they act as catalysts for change, inspiring others to follow their dreams and pursue their passions. When we support these businesses, we help to create a culture of entrepreneurship and creativity, encouraging others to take the leap and contribute to the local economy. 



Moreover, small, female-owned businesses often prioritize giving back to their communities. Their commitment to social responsibility extends beyond their own success and encompasses the well-being of those around them. They frequently collaborate with local nonprofits, organize fundraisers, or sponsor community events. When we support these businesses, we are investing not only in their products but also in the positive impact they have on the community as a whole.



Five Small, Female-Owned Businesses to Shop This Season



1. Give your mom friends something fun from Empowered Mama Co.

First up on this list of gifts that support small female-owned businesses is a creator I fell in love with on Instagram. Embrace your (or your friend's) Adam Sandler era and discover a wide range of empowering and stylish t-shirts, hoodies, and more from Empowered Mama Co. By purchasing these gifts, you not only show your support for small female-owned businesses but also wear your empowerment proudly. Explore the collection and find the perfect gift for yourself or someone special.





2. Cozy-Hearted: Get warm and give back with ethically made blankets

Cozy-Hearted is next on our list of gifts that support small female-owned businesses. The founder, Katherine Jansen, offers cozy organic cotton blankets that support charity. These blankets are ethically made and perfect for snuggling up on a chilly day. By purchasing a blanket from Cozy-Hearted, you contribute to a good cause while enjoying the comfort and warmth of their beautifully crafted products. For the full story behind Cozy-Hearted and its mission to raise funds for congenital heart defect research, click here





3. Discover Sustainable Skincare with Mil Usos: Minimalist Beauty that Cares

Experience sustainable and minimalist skincare without compromising on quality with Mil Usos Skincare. The owner is a friend of mine, and trust me when I tell you, she is obsessive about top-notch ingredients and producing as little waste as possible. That obsession is what earned Mil Usos a spot on this list of gifts that support small female-owned businesses. 



Her products come in endlessly recyclable or biodegradable packaging, making them an excellent choice for eco-conscious individuals. They are formulated to combat the harsh conditions that athletes and outdoorsy types subject their skin to. Treat your epidermis to the goodness of nature while supporting a small female-owned business dedicated to beauty and sustainability. I am seriously addicted to the Total Cranarchy Multi-Use Balm, and no other loofah will do now that I've used the Scuff Love Silk Exfoliating Glove. 





4. Immerse yourself in Alyssa Harmon's poetry: Seven Years and Treading Water

Indulge in the captivating world of poetry with Alyssa Harmon's collections, Seven Years and Treading Water. Seven Years focuses on healing after a breakup, and Treading Water shines a spotlight on mental health. These thought-provoking and beautifully written books will take you on an emotional journey. Lose yourself in the mesmerizing words of Alyssa Harmon and explore the depths of human emotions and experiences through her powerful poetry.





5. Unlock Your Inner Goddess with Goddess Glow by Dee Rowe

What kind of empowered woman would I be if I didn't give myself a shout-out to close out the list of gifts that support small, female-owned businesses? Experience personal growth and empowerment with Goddess Glow by Dee Rowe. Whether you're looking for an online journal to reflect on your journey,  a self-love course to boost your confidence, or women's empowerment coaching to help you unleash your full potential, Goddess Glow has you covered. Discover the tools and support you need to cultivate self-love and become the powerful goddess you truly are.





Final Words on Shopping Small and Female-Owned for the Holidays (and Every Day)

In a world filled with big box stores and online giants, supporting small, female-owned businesses this holiday season is a powerful act of sisterhood. By promoting gender equality, fostering economic growth for women, creating unique and meaningful gifts, and building stronger communities, we can make a meaningful impact with our holiday shopping.



As we wrap up our choices of presents, let's remember that our purchasing decisions can shape the world we want to live in. It's time to join the movement and unleash the power of sisterhood. Together, we can create a future where every woman's business thrives. As writer Maya Angelou once wisely said, "Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women." Let's stand up together and support small, female-owned businesses this holiday season.



TLDR? Here's the short version:

In summary, supporting small, female-owned businesses during the holiday season enables us to create unique and meaningful gifts that go beyond material possessions. These businesses offer products that reflect passion, craftsmanship, and individuality, allowing us to give our loved ones something extraordinary. Moreover, by choosing to support these businesses, we are not only embracing the power of sisterhood and contributing to gender equality but also playing a role in building stronger communities and promoting economic growth. Now, let's explore how this support can extend beyond gift-giving and help us create even more vital communities.



Here are five fantastic female-owned businesses to shop this season:



1. Empowered Mama Co. - for hilarious, empowering, and fun t-shirts, hoodies, totes, and more.

2. Cozy-Hearted - for organic cotton blankets that donate a portion of proceeds to fund congenital heart defect research. 

3. Mil Usos Skincare - for minimalist skincare that doesn't sacrifice quality, is environmentally friendly and is perfect for athletes or outdoorsy folks. 

4. Alyssa Harmon's collections are for the poetry lover in your life or anyone healing from heartbreak or struggling with mental health.

5. Goddess Glow by Dee Rowe - to help the women in your life find their balance, learn to love themselves again, or awaken and empower their divine feminine self.



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