

The Goddess Glow Sisterhood is a safe space for women to come together to heal, bond, empower each other, and fill our proverbial cups. 

Sign up below to receive event updates so you can experience the magic of a Reiki-infused Circle for yourself - you'll be glad you did!

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Here's my story...

I'm Dee, the Founder of Goddess Glow!


I struggled to form and keep healthy relationships with other women for most of my life. I grew up in a family that practiced a very strict form of Christianity (maybe you've heard of Mormonism), and that made me different than a lot of the other kids. I also had a gigantic overbite and was called "Bucktoothed Beaver" at several of the nine different grade schools I attended (we moved a lot). Puberty hit me before it hit most of my classmates, making the target on my back grow even more prominent. Sadly, the bullying, teasing, gossiping, exclusion, and general "Mean Girl" treatment continued into adulthood. 


This made me naturally distrustful of others, especially women, and made it hard for me to accept genuine friendship when it was offered.


I would see posts on Instagram and TikTok like "I've got my girls, so no matter what happens, I'm okay," and wonder if I would ever have something like that. I craved a circle of female friends who loved on and supported one another. But, I seriously doubted that I would ever experience that long-term. Every girls' group I'd been a part of had kicked me out or fallen apart. Would I ever know what it feels like?


Then, I fell into coaching and, through a training program for soul-aligned coaches that I was enrolled in, attended a weekend-long women's retreat that included a women's circle. 


The experience helped me start healing that deep sister wound I'd carried with me for so long and lit a fire inside me to bring the sisterhood circle experience to as many women as possible. It inspired me to create the Goddess Glow Sisterhood to share the magic of sitting in circles with other women with you! And, with each circle I lead, the fire inside me grows bigger and brighter. 


Soon after I discovered the magic of Circle, I felt the call on my heart to get certified in the art of Reiki. I met a lovely Usui/Holy-Fire III and Karuna Reiki Master, Ashley Bennett, at a yoga studio I frequented, and signed up for the reiki training program her and her mother, Lisa Bennett, run. 


In March 2024 I received my Usui/Holy-Fire III Level I and II certification, and in October 2024 I became a Usui/Holy-Fire III Reiki Master. 


Holy Fire Reiki has helped me burn away any residual trauma that Circle did not remove from my outcast days and led me to further come to accept and share my authentic self with others. I now live life with profound self-acceptance, which makes my energy magnetic to those meant for me. It can do the same for you, too.

Are you interested in a private Reiki session or in adding a customizable Circle to your next event?

Schedule a call with me to discuss how Reiki and Circle relaxes, heals, restores, and empowers you and/or your guests!

Both Reiki and Circle are non-religious spiritual practices compatible with most religious belief systems.


The Goddess Glow Sisterhood is a safe space for women to come together to heal, bond, and fill each other's cups. Once you experience the magic of a sisterhood circle or retreat for yourself, you'll never look back! 

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Here's my story...

I'm Dee, the Founder of Goddess Glow!

I've struggled to form and keep healthy relationships with other women for most of my life. I grew up in a family that practiced a very strict form of Christianity (maybe you've heard of Mormonism), and that made me different than a lot of the other kids. I also had a gigantic overbite and was called "Bucktoothed Beaver" at several of the nine different grade schools I attended (we moved a lot). Puberty hit me before it hit most of my classmates, making the target on my back grow even more prominent. Sadly, the bullying, teasing, gossiping, exclusion, and general "Mean Girl" treatment continued into adulthood. 

I would see posts on Instagram and TikTok like "I've got my girls, so no matter what happens, I'm okay," and wonder if I would ever have something like that. I craved a circle of female friends who loved on and supported one another. But, I seriously doubted that I would ever experience that long-term. Every girls' group I'd been a part of had kicked me out or fallen apart. Would I ever know what it feels like?

Then, I fell into coaching and, through a training program for soul-aligned coaches that I was enrolled in, attended a weekend-long women's retreat.

The experience helped me start healing that deep sister wound I'd carried with me for so long and lit a fire inside me to bring the sisterhood circle experience to as many women as possible. It inspired me to create the Goddess Glow Sisterhood to share the magic of sitting in circles with other women with you! And, with each circle I lead, the fire inside me grows bigger and brighter. 

Are You Interested in 1:1 Empowerment Coaching?

Schedule a call with me to discuss empowerment coaching and how it can help you feel like a confident goddess who glows from the inside out.

Have you read my latest blog post yet?


5 Potent Ways a Woman Awakens Her Goddess Glow

Jul 05, 2024

"A circle of women may just be the most powerful force known to humanity. If you have one, embrace it. If you need one, seek it. If you find one, for the love of all that is good and holy, dive in. Hold on. Love it up. Get Naked. Let them see you. Let them hold you. Let your reluctant tears fall. Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle. You will be changed. The very fabric of your being will be altered by this, if you allow it. Please, please allow it."


 Jeanette LeBlanc


What People Are Saying About Dee's Circles:

"I feel like the minute I got onto the Zoom, it was very apparent. This was going to be a very supportive little adventure." - Hallie

"I'm going to be buzzing from that receiving experience for many days. And it wasn't just when I received. Giving also fills you up so much, and then to receive as well... the whole exercise was beautiful on so many levels." - Becky

"Dee, thank you for your inspiration, from the music to the way you transformed us (me!)." - Lisa  

"Best event ever!" - Lana

"You have the aura and the personality to make everyone feel welcome. So inspiring." - Liron

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